This time Viexpo Virtual Export Event will be built around four themes
Ulkoministeriön tietoisku
–in Finnish about their export promoting services and the services of their network of missions.
Jyrki Nissilä, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Theme for the Morning Session
Differentiation in digital channels
Verkkokauppiasklubit yrittäjien tukena
–With the help of Business Finland’s Experience Commerce program, 11 regional Online Retailer Clubs have already been launched. The club is a peer-to-peer learning group of 6–10 companies that helps companies grow and internationalize. Leevi Parsama talks about the activities and purpose of the clubs.
Leevi Parsama, Experience Commerce Finland
TikTokilla kansainvälistä näkyvyyttä – Case: Vilpe Oy
Katarina Hellén, Vilpe Oy
Case SporttiRakki, verkkokauppa Isokyröstä
–How an entrepreneur became an e-retailer selling dog products and services, and with what learnings has the company had an increase in revenue with even over 40 % annually.
Heidi Hendrell, SporttiRakki (Dogomo Oy)
The Theme for the Afternoon Session
Nordic market opportunities
Dronet ja sähkölennot
–Tulevaisuuden liikkumis- ja logistiikkamahdollisuudet Pohjoismaissa
Elisabet Kivimäki, Into Seinäjoki
Kansainväliset messut viennin edistäjänä
Discussion about the importance of fairs for export and their experiences from fairs.
Marketta Järviluoma, Veljekset Ala-Talkkari Oy
Timo Rossi, Jakamo
Investments in Västerbotten and Norrbotten
–Export opportunities for Finnish companies
Anders Hjalmarsson, Västerbottens Handelskammare
The Theme for the Morning Session
Experiences from food export
Yritysryhmähankkeen hyödyt pk-yritykselle
–Companies’ experiences from an export project for organic food companies.
Participating are Horst Neumann, Suomisen Maito Oy, Pramod Jayaprakash, Spices Chef, Gallina ja Jan-Ole Sandås, Ab Finnish Superberries Oy, Matti ja Tuuli Kotaja, Finnish Plant, Tuomas Olkkonen, Alavuden öljynpuristamo, Tuukka ja Mervi Turunen, Mood Food Company Oy.
Birkkalan tila – pk-yrittäjän kokemuksia viennin aloittamisesta.
The company is specialized in producing organic spelt and their products are made to both consumers and industry. They have invested more in exports in recent years, and are in the future looking for growth through exports.
Simo Larmo, Birkkalan tila
Vientistrategian ja toimenpiteiden suunnittelu elintarvikeyritykselle
Kåre Björkstrand, Viexpo
Tietoisku Pohjoismaiden markkinanäkymistä | Business Finland
–Business Finland in Sweden, Norway and Denmark present themselves and tell about topicalities in their markets.
Christa Elmgren, BF Tanska, Nima Jokilaakso, BF Ruotsi ja Kaisa Nikkanen, BF Norja
The Theme for the Afternoon Session
Cluster building
Klusterirakentaminen ja klustereiden tuomat hyödyt
–discussion and info about boat and food cluster development and the ClusDe-project.
Kristian Schrey & Lauri Laaksonen, NordicHub, Viexpo
Fredrik Sandelin, Pietarsaaren seudun Kehittämisyhtiö Concordia