Experiences from food export, Nordic market opportunities and cluster building

Viexpo Virtual Export Event 2023, the event that promotes export and internationalization, is now arranged for the third time 26.-27.1.2023. There are four themes around which the program of the coming event is built around: differentiation in digital channels, Nordic market opportunities, experiences from food export, and cluster building. In this article, focus is put on Friday’s program where three of the four themes are addressed. Please note that all the sessions that are mentioned are arranged in Finnish, but you may ask questions in English.


Experiences from food export – before noon on Friday 27th January

The food industry is one of the greatest industries in our country and there is a lot of export potential among Finnish food companies. In order to promote this, we want to highlight important experiences from the food industry that may provide valuable learning opportunities.

First a group of company representatives, who participate in Viexpo’s export project for organic food companies, share their own experiences and gains from the project. Participating in the discussion are Horst Neumann, Suomisen Maito Oy; Pramod Jayaprakash, Spices Chef; Gallina and Jan-Ole Sandås, Ab Finnish Superberries Oy; Matti and Tuuli Kotaja, Finnish Plant; Tuomas Olkkonen, Alavuden Öljynpuristamo; Tuukka and Mervi Turunen, Mood Food Company Oy.

After this Birkkalan tila’s entrepreneur Simo Larmo joins to talk about their experiences from starting with exporting. The company is specialized in producing organic spelt and their products are made both for consumers and industry. In recent years, the company has invested more in export activities, and in the future, they are looking to grow particularly through export. The program before noon ends with a presentation by Viexpo’s Senior Advisor Kåre Björkstrand. With special knowledge in food export and export planning, Kåre will be talking about planning of export strategy and actions for food companies.


Nordic market opportunities and cluster building – afternoon on Friday 27th January

Nordic markets offer great export and internationalization possibilities for Finnish companies now and in the future. Therefore, the Nordics have for a long time had an important role in Viexpo’s operations. In the afternoon on Friday, we will hear topicalities from the Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish markets. To tell about these we have Business Finland’s Senior Advisors Nima Jokilaakso (Sweden), Kaisa Nikkanen (Norway), and Christa Elmgren (Denmark) joining us.

Clusters often play an important part in enhancing export and internationalization as well as strengthening companies’ competitiveness and collaboration. Viexpo coordinates NordicHub, a platform for the development of Finnish cluster activity and a Nordic network for Finnish clusters. Kristian Schrey and Lauri Laaksonen (Viexpo/NordicHub) will talk about NordicHub’s operations and the importance of clusters. They will highlight things that are good to recognize in cluster development. In addition, regional developer Fredrik Sandelin (Jakobstadsregionens Utvecklingsbolag Concordia) will take part in the discussion. He will talk more about cluster development in the boat and food industries in the Jakobstad region and the ClusDe-project linked to that.

Remember to register to this free of charge virtual event. You’ll find the registration form here.

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The program for the Viexpo Virtual Export Event 2023 is starting to take form. This virtual event that promotes export and internationalization is now arranged for the third time 26.-27.1.2023. There are four themes around which the program of the coming event is built around:

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